
Friends of the East Haven Hagaman Memorial Library

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The Friends of the East Haven Hagaman Memorial Library are looking for new members to help raise money for building improvements, improvements in library technology and programming, and other library services. If you would like to make new friends and help your library, join the Friends'!The purpose of the Friends of the Hagaman Memorial Library is to provide our library with strong support and to continue to work toward accomplishing our goals of improving our town’s library facility and services. To this end, the F.H.M.L. help to create programs and events to educate community members about the library. The Friends’ also raise funds to help sustain and improve the library. The annual cost of an individual membership is $10 and $15 for a family. Everyone is welcome to attend the Friends’ Executive Board meetings. The Friends meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the library.*The Friends of the Library encourage local businesses to become members of the group.To download and print the Friends of the Library membership brochure, go to www.hagamanlibrary.org, and under "About Us" click on "Friends of the Library." You can return the filled-out membership brochure and payment to the Hagaman Memorial Library on 227 Main Street in East Haven. You can also stop by the library and pick up a Friends' brochure at the library's main circulation desk.

Hagaman Memorial Library
227 Main Street
East Haven, CT
United States