
Seniors Sydney Herard and Izabella Olszewski demonstrate their leadership and selflessness as the president and vice president of the EHHS National Honor Society.
The National Honor Society is an organization for students that show qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students who qualify for membership in the National Honor Society fill out an application that is then reviewed to see if the students are able to be inducted.
This year, honor society members voted Sydney Herard as president. As president, Sydney represents all the qualities a member of the honor society should have. She has shown strength in leadership and involvement in her community as she has done basketball, tennis, soccer, art club, and yearbook. She was also a captain of the girl’s soccer team and is currently a captain and varsity player on the tennis team. As the president of the National Honor Society, Sydney leads meetings and helps create fundraiser ideas. Sydney enjoys being in the National Honor Society and helping the community. She states, “It gives me another place to feel involved and to feel like I am doing something important that not only improves the school community but the entirety of the town.”
The National Honor Society’s vice president, Izabella Olszewski, is a member of the girl’s tennis team, yearbook club, art club, senior planning committee, and treasurer of her class. Along with Sydney, Izabella is a varsity tennis player and captain. Izabella was inducted into the organization her junior year and decided to run for vice president senior year: “I wanted to be involved in our community and help to organize the kinds of things the [National Honor] Society does.” As vice president, Izabella helps organize and run meetings alongside the president, organizes fundraisers, and takes suggestions from other National Honor Society members.
Members of the EHHS National Honor Society believe both Sydney and Izabella are helpful when it comes to leading meetings and organizing fundraisers. Senior Abby Brooks says, “We all definitely collaborate with one another in making ideas.” When voting for leadership positions, Abby said “I knew they would lead the Honor Society in the right direction.”
On March 28th, Sydney and Izabella, along with the other members, were officially inducted into the National Honor Society. After being inducted, Sydney says “I hope to accomplish more success with our fundraisers and become a more influential group not only at EHHS but also in the East Haven community.” Izabella has similar hopes, stating, “I hope to accomplish helping my community in greater ways than I would do on my own and generally just to make an impact even if it’s just a small one.” Their goals to help the community have started with wands for wildlife, a pet supply drive, and a fundraiser for Ukraine. Sydney and Izabella’s influence on the National Honor Society continues to help the community every day through their fundraisers.