
The art department at EHHS is holding a senior art show. As the staff and students prepare for the event being held on April 3, 2023. They share some insight on what to expect and why they feel it is important to showcase art at EHHS. For anyone planning on participating in the event you must submit at least one piece of artwork, pick your own theme to follow, and must be senior. Although this art show is only open to seniors there will be a following district wide art show in May for those who want to display their art. If you are not interested in submitting work for the art show but need volunteer hours you can get some by helping the art department setup. Some opportunities include helping setup for the show, organizing displays, and taking things down after the show.
The art department staff and students discuss the importance of having events like the senior art show to display artwork. EHHS Ceramics teacher, Ms. Angelie Santos- Haase, is one of the three art teachers at EHHS who will be involved in this year’s senior art show. She says that having art shows at EHHS is important because it reflects the town. She continued, “At EHHS because we're a public school. We reflect the ideas and beliefs of this town.” Ms. Santos explains that she tries to promote the art show in her classes as well as encouraging the students to submit their best projects from her class in the show.
Senior Kayden Patel feels that even though there is art everywhere in the building that it isn’t given enough attention because no one really stops to take the time to look at it. They shared, “I think it's important because everywhere you go in the building you will see art but I feel like people don't take the time to stop and look at it. The gallery walks are a nice way for people to take their time looking at the art and give appreciation to the people who made it.”
Some of the art teachers express just how important it is to encourage their students to get them to display their art. Ms. Santos says that when encouraging her students, she makes sure to tell them to put all of their effort into the work so they can feel a sense of pride once their art is displayed in the show. She also puts a lot of emphasis on her students being involved in the process of submitting and reflecting on their work to help them decide what to submit. She says, “We have a lot of support in making sure they feel seen and heard.” EHHS Art teacher Mr. Matthew Stevens says that the art department has been promoting not only the senior art show but the district wide art show to students by having the announcement of the event on the tvs, posters that were hung up around the school, and telling his students in his classes.
When it comes to the art show they would like staff and students to understand that the art that is being displayed is not just meaningless projects but that the work that is done in their classes takes a lot of time and effort. Ms. Santos says she wants parents and other staff members who attend the show to see that the art being displayed are not just meaningless pieces of art. She says that the students are working hard during class time and free time to create their art. She also shares that the students are putting forth different areas of their thinking on display through the artwork. She says, “I want staff and parents to understand students aren’t just learning about math, science, or english. They are actually using all parts of their brains.” Overall she wants the staff and parents to understand that they are using all of their academic skills to create
Kayden will be a part of this year’s art show and shares how being able to display their art at EHHS has an impact on them. Kayden says that they have always wanted to display their work in the art shows but never had the courage to do so until this year. Kayden shared, “I wanted to actually contribute something in terms of art and get my work out there. I also have never participated in the art show so I decided that I should, especially since it is my senior year.” Kayden also explains that sharing their art at EHHS has really helped them gain confidence. Inspiration is a very vital part of Kayden’s creative process and how seeing work from others is what inspires them. They say, “I think one of the biggest inspirations for my art is seeing the artwork of others.” At the end of the show Kayden wants to feel a sense of pride in their work and for others to see it.
Mr. Stevens says that going forward he would like to be able to do more groups for future senior art shows. He shared, “The energy at the art shows are really high because they're in groups this year and the receptions are bigger because there are potentially more friends and family that show up”. He shares that he would like to see this for next year's art show as well.