CREATIVE CORNER: Now Introducing the Literary Column


Logo by Isabella Balsiero

Welcome lovely writers and readers!

My name is Amelia Westfall and I am a creative writer and Senior reporter for The Comet.

The Creative Corner is a literary column to feature writers at East Haven High School. (And don’t worry, there is no judgment here!) All writers are welcome, novice or experienced. If you write poetry or short stories or want to feature excerpts from your work, you can submit to be published—I would also be willing to consider a writing series where a section is uploaded at set intervals.

All work has to be approved and will go through edits with me, however, official changes will be at the author's discretion.

If you have any questions, ideas, or would like to have your work featured, email me at or Ms. Caturano at with the subject line: Creative Corner - [question or request]

Thank you and happy reading!

Amelia Westfall

“disenchanted is she by the idea

of living her life the way

she thought it had to be

finally, she gets it.

Amanda Lovelace