Gallery 35's Pushing Pixels Returns Digitally For the Second Year: Seeking Artists


Pushing Pixels Gallery 35 Art Show returns for a second year featuring only students’ digital artwork and is seeking artists. After the first year’s great success, art teacher Mr. Matt Stevens wanted to run it again this year. In this art show, any students from EHHS can participate and submit artwork, including digital drawings, digital paintings, animation, video, photography, and anything made of pixels. The Pushing Pixels show will open on December 1st, at 5:30 to 6:30pm at EHHS in Gallery 35, which is in the entrance of the auditorium and will be on display from November 11, 2022 to January 13, 2023.

So far, the submission process has been going slow currently due to the lack of submissions. EHHS senior, Emily Cancel, submitted art work last year. She “decided to participate because I did not have a chance to participate last year and it was super cool seeing everybody's digital art on display so I wanted to give it a try.” The creation process was slow due to balancing school and what goes on out of school which complicates the time to start and finish artwork. In the future she plans on creating a concept design that involves show business for scenery or for characters.

The in person opening event will provide the opportunity to truly represent students' artwork and allows students to show friends and family their hard work. The opening event displays how hardworking the students worked on their artwork and how talented a person is on what they made. There may be an online version of the gallery for the people who can’t make it to the opening. “Mr. Stevens states, “Last year was a great success. It was challenging to get students to attend the opening for art shows, but we always have about half the artists attend. It is great to see students display their work for their fellow classmates.” The hope this year is for this event on December 1 to be just as successful as last year and attract more artists who published art to come to the event.

If you are interested in participating and submitting any digital artwork, the deadline to submit it is by November 10th. Anyone can participate. The artwork doesn’t need to be done in school and you don’t need to be taking art. Students interested in participating are encouraged to contact Mr. Stevens.