STAT CHAT: Valery Orrego


Valery Orrego plays center mid for the girls soccer team.` 

She has been in the High School team since freshman year and has been playing soccer since she was 8 years old. 

"No matter what the situation is, the challenge or place, Valery will always step into a situation and work to make the best out of it; she is a strong hardworking player who never settles with the bare minimum and makes herself and her teammates always give their all in the field," Her teammate Hanna Dudley affirms.   

This season she had two assists against Wilbur Cross. 

"No matter what the results are at the end never give up and always believe in yourself and the things that you are capable of," Valery states. 

                                                                                                                                                            #5 VALERY ORREGO